Editor’s Note: On the Agenda is a summary of high interest items to be decided on or discussed at upcoming local municipal meetings in Alachua County.
Amending the Land Development Code Related to Food Truck Parks
This ordinance will add “food truck park” as a permitted use in certain zoning districts with associated regulations. Currently, food trucks are allowed as a temporary use on property within certain zoning districts or in conjunction with special events, but are not allowed as a permanent use. This ordinance will allow permanent food truck parks within the zoning districts that currently allow food trucks as a temporary use.
Fire Assessment – Preliminary Rate Resolution
On June 9, 2008, the City Commission adopted Ordinance 070623 which establishes the authority to implement a Fire Services Special Assessment each year if the Commission chooses to do so. The Preliminary Rate Resolution, if adopted, would establish a maximum assessment rate for the Fire Services Special Assessment and provide for notice to affected property owners of the proposed rates. The Preliminary Rate Resolution also provides for notice of a public hearing on the Annual Rate Resolution to be held on the date as set forth in the Resolution. In adopting the Preliminary Rate Resolution the Commission will have to determine the Preliminary Rate to be sent in the notice to affected property owners. The City Manager has recommended the rate stay the same for FY 2020-21, that being $133.00 per Net Factored Fire Protection Unit, which is approximately 50% of the assessable costs to provide fire services.
Ordinance Setting 2021 Election Dates, Early Voting Dates and Qualifying Dates
The 2021 regular election for the City of Gainesville shall be held on Tuesday, March 2, 2021; and, pursuant to Section 9-2(a) of the Code of Ordinances, the date of the run-off election, if necessary, shall be Tuesday, April 13, 2021. The dates for early voting for the 2021 regular election shall be from Friday, February 19, 2021 to and including Saturday, February 27, 2021. The dates for early voting for the 2021 run-off election, if necessary, shall be from Friday, April 2, 2021 to and including Saturday, April 10, 2021.
Ordinance 191242 providing for civil citation enforcement for violations of declarations of emergency
Any violation of a provision of any emergency measure established pursuant to F.S. 17 §252.38 by the City or Alachua County may be enforced by civil citation if allowed by 18 the emergency declaration, order, or other measure, or by criminal penalties pursuant to 19 F.S. §252.50. Any violation of a provision of any emergency measure established 20 pursuant to Federal and/or State law by the Federal Government or State of Florida 21 Government may be enforced as provided in the Federal or State emergency declaration, 22 order or other measure. Each violation shall be considered a separate offense, which can D R A F T 4 CODE: Words striken are deletions; Words underlined are additions. 1 be prosecuted separately
Request to Purchase Fire Protection Equipment for Gainesville Fire Rescue
In May 2020, the City hired thirteen new firefighters who will require additional bunker gear beyond the initial purchase. The cost of these additional sets will bring the total of the purchase to $138,654. On May 14, 2020, City Purchasing approved the revised Method of Source Selection for Municipal Equipment Company.
Funds for the original purchase of $97,340 were identified in GFR’s uniform account 001-820-8220-5220-3040-01. Funds for $41,314 for the additional 13 sets of bunker gear have been identified in GFR’s Capital Improvement account 360-820-M124-5220-3009.
Contract with Clever Devices LTD for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Migration
This item is a request for the City Commission authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Clever Devices LTD for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Migration, including hosting and cellular service, for 136 fixed route vehicles.
This phase requires only fixed-end software with hosting and cellular services. The onboard solution includes migration to Clever Devices’ City of Gainesville Page 4 Printed on 5/ 28/20 at 6:49 pm City Commission Meeting Agenda June 4, 2020 Intelligent Vehicle Network (IVN) software platform, upgrading the remaining buses to be equivalent to the recent retrofit campaign, and installation of an onboard router for the entire fleet to support public Wi‐Fi. In addition, this provides capability to integrate with digital information displays at the transfer stations in the future. Funding in the amount of $2,092,844 for this capital investment and 1st year of operating costs have been identified utilizing FTA grant funds.
Federal Lobbying and Advocacy Services for the City of Gainesville and Gainesville Regional Utilities
On October 1, 2017, the City retained the services of Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. as a federal lobbyist in Washington, D.C., in connection with matters concerning the City on behalf of its General Government and its Utility. The current agreement for federal lobbying and advocacy services will expire on September 30, 2020.
Consultant services not-to-exceed $75,600 or 70% of annual contract for the City’s General Government; and a maximum amount not-to-exceed $32,400 or 30% of annual contract for Gainesville Regional Utilities, for a combined maximum amount not to exceed $108,000.
State Lobbying and Advocacy Services for the City of Gainesville and Gainesville Regional Utilities
On October 1, 2017, the City retained the services of Peebles, Smith and Matthews, Inc. for state lobbying and advocacy services in Tallahassee, FL, in connection with matters concerning the City on behalf of its General Government and its Utility. The current agreement for State of Florida lobbying and advocacy services will end on September 30, 2020. Staff believes it is in the best interest of the City to renew the contract for one more additional year; the period of October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021.
Consultant services not-to-exceed $36,000 or 50% of annual contract for the City’s General Government; and a maximum amount not-to-exceed $36,000 or 50% of annual contract for Gainesville Regional Utilities, for a combined maximum amount not to exceed $72,000. Approved travel costs shall be billed monthly and shall not exceed three (3) percent of the total contract. Funding has been identified in the Proposed FY 2021 Budget by General Government and it’s Utility.
Business Discussion Items to be discussed
These topics will be discussed by COVID-19, Committee Assignments, In-person Commission Meetings and Broadband.
How to share your opinion
There are multiple ways to add a comment to the official record.
Submit Written Public Comment: You may write a public comment on any City Commission Meeting agenda item. Visit our website, www.cityofgainesville.org, and go to the “Agendas & Minutes” tab. Click on the “eComment” link in the right-hand column. Written comment opens when the agenda is published the Friday before the meeting and closes one (1) hour before the start of the meeting. Your comments will be sent to the City Commissioners and added to the official record.
Speak at a Public Meeting: Any member of the public may sign up to speak at a City Commission meeting. Visit our website, www.cityofgainesville.org, and go to the “Agendas & Minutes” tab on our website. Click on the “eComment” link in the right-hand column and register to speak on a specific agenda item. Online registration closes one (1) hour before the meeting is called to order. You may also register on the sign-up sheet in the Auditorium before the meeting begins. Speakers will be called to the podium by name and should address their comments to the Chair of the meeting, usually the Mayor.
There are two types of public comment during Commission Meetings:
General Public Comment: The public is invited to speak to the Commission for three (3) minutes about any topic, as long as it is not on the Agenda. This is an opportunity to bring up new ideas or issues to the Commission. Each person may speak during one comment period: at the start of the 1pm session, at the start of the 5:30pm session, or at the end of the meeting. The Commission will not discuss or make decisions on ideas presented during this time. Comments may be referred to City staff for follow up.
Public Comment on Agenda Items: The Commission may request public comment on specific agenda items during discussion. Speakers may have three (3) minutes and comments must stay focused on the agenda topic at hand. Early Public Comment: The Commission has created Early Public Comment to allow community members to speak on agenda items without waiting for the item to be called during the meeting. Speaking at Early Public Comment waives the right to speak later during the meeting. Members of the public may speak for three (3) minutes on one agenda item or five (5) minutes on two or more items. Speakers should begin their comments by announcing which items they are addressing so the time clock can be set properly.
City commission meetings can be viewed on Facebook or by visiting the live stream link here: http://www.cityofgainesville.org/CommunicationsOffice/Community12TV/LiveWebStreaming.aspx
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