Editor’s Note: On the Agenda is a summary of high interest items to be decided on or discussed at upcoming local municipal meetings in Alachua County.
The School Board of Alachua County will tackle an agenda that includes charter school reopening plans, remote learning access and an agreement with the Department of Health for nurse staffing at school.
Several student health topics will be decided. The annual contract renewal with the University of Florida College of Medicine provides for seven Board Certified Athletic Trainers (AT) and support services at district high schools for the 2020-2021 school year. The total cost is $173,261.55.
These UF Certified Athletic Trainers supervise the sports medicine program at our high schools as part of their master’s degree program. Each high school is assigned one dedicated athletic trainer and an additional trainer is assigned as needed to supplement this support. Each athletic trainer is expected to work an average of 25 hours per week in the performance of these services.
Homeless families
A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) has been prepared for submission to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation for the purpose of creating a collaborative system of care for up to 20 homeless families with school-age children. If approved, the program would provide housing vouchers for up to 20 homeless families with children attending Alachua County Public Schools. The program is a partnership between the school district, United Way of North Central Florida, St. Francis House, and the Alachua County Housing Authority. For the school district, the program will be managed by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education liaison, who will identify needy families, coordinate agreements with the families, and make recommendations of interested families to program partners. Although a partnership, the school district is required to be the lead agency in this initiative.
Charter School Reopening Plans
By executive order of the Governor, Local Education Agencies are required to review and approve the School Reopening Plans for each charter school within the district. Alachua County charter schools have each prepared and submitted a Reopening Plan aligned to the DOE provided template designed for that purpose. School district staff has reviewed each plan and recommends Board approval of the charter school reopening plans as attached: Alachua Learning Academy, Boulware Springs, Caring & Sharing, Einstein School, Expressions Learning Arts Academy, Healthy Learning Academy, Micanopy Academy, Micanopy Area Cooperative, NCFPCS, One Room School House, and Resilience.
How to tune in
The meeting starts at 6 p.m. and can be watched live on the SBAC channel on Youtube. Search ACPS Video on Youtube or follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFbqdGz4v9-8ag-607GvxaQ to watch and subscribe to the channel. The meeting will be held in the Boardroom of the Alachua County Public Schools District Office at 620 E University Ave.
To see the complete agenda click here.
To see the complete agenda click here.
Tags: From Staff Reports