Sheriff Darnell: “Alachua County Sheriff’s Office proud to be #8cantwait compliant”

8 Cant Wait
8 Cant Wait

The Alachua County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) is committed to increasing dialogue and transparency in order to have a better understanding of racial discrimination within the criminal justice system. The Alachua County Sheriff’s Office is proud to be #8cantwait compliant.  All 8 recommendations have been part of our policy and procedures for years during Sheriff Darnell’s tenure and have helped shape the culture of our policing methods.  Below are the sections of our policies that specifically address each concern.  Full copies of our policy and procedures are available and can be provided with a public records request.
“As Sheriff, I recognize and uphold the great responsibility law enforcement has in keeping the public safe. All of our local law enforcement have been given a special trust by our community. We must do everything we can to continue to earn this trust with every interaction we have,” said Sheriff Sadie Darnell.
1. Ban Chokeholds and Strangleholds:
DIR 802 – “…Deadly Force Restrictions Lateral Vascular Neck Restraint/Carotid Restraint – The ACSO does not authorize the use of these neck restraints at this time.”
2. Require De-escalation: 
DIR 802“…When feasible and practical, employees shall attempt to resolve potential use of force situations with non-physical force alternatives, such as the use of advice, persuasion or verbal warning prior to resorting to the use of force.”
 3. Require Warning Before Shooting:
 DIR 802 – “…when feasible a verbal warning is given to the fleeing subject prior to the use of deadly force. Unless impractical under the circumstances, employees shall attempt to give a verbal warning prior to the use of deadly force.”
 4. Exhaust all Alternatives Before Shooting: 
 DIR 802“…When feasible and practical, employees shall attempt to resolve potential use of force situations with non-physical force alternatives, such as the use of advice, persuasion or verbal warning prior to resorting to the use of force.”
 5. Duty to Intervene: 
DIR 353 – “…1. Duty to Report Misconduct – The quickest way for misconduct to continue at the ACSO is for employees to tolerate it among their fellow workers. Misconduct by any employee reflects poorly on all. For this reason, employees will report any violation of directives, policies and procedures to appropriate authority.”
 Code of Ethics signed by employees states, “I, also ACCEPT responsibility for encouraging others in my profession to abide by this CODE,”. 
6. Ban Shooting at Moving Vehicles:
 DIR 802—“…Moving Vehicles – Shooting at or from a moving vehicle is a dangerous and generally ineffective practice with unpredictable results and is prohibited as a general rule, unless done in self-defense or defense of another person when the suspect represents a clear and present deadly force threat.”
 7. Establish Use of Force Continuum:
 DIR 802—“…The Force Guidelines Model – Similar to the former Response to Resistance Matrix, the new Force Guidelines consist of Subject Resistance Levels and corresponding Officer Response Levels; however, both categories have been streamlined to simplify the process of analyzing potential subject resistance levels and responding with an appropriate and reasonable use of force. “
8. Require All Force Be Reported: 
ACSO 802 – “…INCIDENT DOCUMENTATION – Each “use of force” incident as defined by ACSO Directive will be documented by involved employees. This includes the pointing of any firearm, Taser, display of K-9 or other weapon directly at another person(s) as a show of force with the express purpose of establishing control and/or detaining or arresting the subject.”

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