The Barbergators Chorus is holding an open rehearsal and guest night on Tuesday.
The event will be held at 7 p.m. at Grace Presbyterian Church (3146 NW 13th St.). Refreshments will be available.
Men who enjoy singing are encouraged to attend. Participants will have a chance to learn more about the Barbergators.
According to their website, The Barbergators Chorus has been singing for over 40 years and is a chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
The Barbergators Chorus welcomes men of any experience level of singing to join. The group sings classic barbershop, doo-wop, gospel and pop music in acapella style.
Recently, the chorus group came took fifth place in the Sunshine District (State of Florida) Chorus Championship.
For more information, contact David Jacobs at president@barbergators.com or by phone at 352-358-1131.