Peace In Action: A Community Gun Violence Prevention Resource Fair will be held on March 18 at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church in Gainesville.
The event will run from 10 a.m. to noon at 2505 NE 8th Ave.
According to the release, from 2019-2022, there were 30 homicide deaths in the city of Gainesville. The fair will offer resources to families as alternatives to gun violence.
Organizations participating will include youth mentoring programs, mental health services, job placement services, and after-school recreation and tutoring programs.
The event will also present prizes, gifts and a breakout room for gun violence survivors to network with one another.
Families are invited to attend the free event, take advantage of the resources, enjoy DJ Art and have a free meal.
For more information, contact Gwendolyn Saffo at 904-290-1591 or Alena Lawson at Bennett-alena0521@gmail.com.
Really? “The fair will offer resources to families as alternatives to gun violence.”
What does that mean? Families of loved ones killed by criminals with guns can learn about alternatives to going out and loading their guns and taking revenge?
Here’s an alternative to gun violence: Get out of the gang! “Lock the criminal up! Commit the crime, you do the time!” Better yet, make the penalty for crimes equal to the crime, you murder someone, you die!
Support the police, weed out any bad police and of course Police Leadership, and then uphold the laws for everyone!