Big decisions require coordination and planning, so we had a family meeting to decide what to cook for 4th of July!
We have decided on ….(insert drum roll here)….Steak kabobs!
Full confession: Over the years I have managed to really mess up kabobs. But it was through those trying times that learned how to do them right.
Turns out I was way over thinking the process. So I’m here to share the easy steps for the perfect kabobs.
This is what you will need for 10 kabobs:
- Kabob sticks (Tip: Take a dish, fill with 1/2 inch of olive oil to cover the 10 kabob sticks. Let the sticks soak in the oil during your steak and veggie cutting. This will stop the charring of the wood kabob sticks during the grilling process.)
- 2 medium-size sirloin steaks (substitute chicken breasts if you like)
- 2 bell peppers (colors of your choice)
- 1 medium onion
- Olive oil
- One other veggie of your choice (optional)
- Salt, pepper, garlic salt, paprika, Italian seasoning, other favorite seasonings
To get your cooking instructions, listen to this week’s 5-minute episode of the My Foodie Recipe podcast. You won’t be disappointed.
Enjoy, and have a happy, safe 4th of July!