Levy County Department of Health confirms first COVID-19 related death

The Levy County Emergency Management Department released the following statement about a COVID-19 related fatality:

It is with a heavy heart that we have been informed by the Florida Department of Health of the first COVID-19 related fatality in Levy County.

The fatality is an 83 year old female in the Williston area that originally tested positive on April 18th, and unfortunately, she never recovered.

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Due to HIPAA and patient/family privacy, we do not have any additional information. We have also been informed of one new case for today. The new case is a nine year old female in the Fanning Springs area.

Current Levy County Totals:

Bronson- 4 Active 3 released

Williston- 0 Active 12 released 1 Fatality

Yankeetown- 0 Active 2 released

Chiefland- 1 Active 2 released

Morriston- 0 Active 1 released

Trenton (Levy Side)- 0 Active 3 released

Fanning Springs- 3 Active 0 released

Total Levy County Cases: 32

Total ACTIVE Levy County cases: 8

Levy County Tests Completed: 1,832

Levy County Fatalities: 1

Statewide Fatalities: 2,364

For the purpose of this information, released means that a patient that has previously tested positive has met the required isolation period of a minimum of 14 days, has had no symptoms or fever for at least 72 hours, and is no longer required to isolate and is no longer being monitored by the FDOH.

In order for us to continue to flatten the curve and get everyone back to a sense of normalcy, it is VITAL that everyone continue to practice social distancing: Stay at home as much as possible, clean your hands often, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, cover coughs and sneezes, clean and disinfect high touch surfaces, avoid crowds, especially groups over 10 people, maintain 6ft distance between you and others, cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others, and continue to follow all CDC recommended precautions.

We will only be successful in beating this disease if we all work together and keep each other safe.

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