This week the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System is holding walk-up COVID-19 vaccine clinics with no age requirement in Gainesville and Lake City.
“Vaccines will be provided while supplies last,” the VA said in a press release.
The clinics will take place from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 15-19. The Malcom Randall VA Medical Center (1601 SW Archer Road) will host the Gainesville event, while the American Legion Post #57 (2602 SW Main Blvd) will host the one in Lake City. Both locations will have signage to direct veterans seeking to participate.
As usual, any veterans who have received a vaccination in the last 14 days or have experienced any flu-like symptoms will not be eligible to participate.
If vaccine doses remain at the end of each day, the VA said it will reach out to veterans on social media.
Meanwhile, the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System is using a mobile medical unit to reach veterans in rural and other underserved communities. The vehicle is typically used as the Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC) mobile unit.
“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related travel/social restrictions our mobile education unit outreach was suspended,” Carmen Fernandez, GRECC associate director, said in a statement. “We are delighted that the mobile unit was repurposed and employed by the VA strike team to extend COVID-19 vaccination efforts.”
According to the VA, COVID-19 vaccine access remains limited in many rural communities.