City of Gainesville closes Lit at Midtown for occupancy violations; warns other businesses

 On Saturday night, the City of Gainesville closed a local nightclub for occupancy violations and warned other businesses to follow rules despite the Phase 3 state order that relaxed certain rules. 
 “Last night the City closed down Lit at Midtown for violation of occupancy limits set by fire code and failure to maintain proper egress,” the City wrote in a post on its Facebook page Sunday morning.
 “The City has received NUMEROUS emails and social media posts with concerns from our neighbors about blatant neglect of public health protocols in the Downtown and Midtown areas. While the City’s enforcement of COVID-specific regulations have been severely hindered by the Governor’s executive order, posted occupancy limits and other code violations are being strictly enforced. Any business that repeatedly violates occupancy limits WILL BE closed.”
By Monday morning, there were 327 “likes” and 353 comments to its posting with a wide range of opinions. One candidate for local office took the time to post a campaign message.
This is tragic,” said one of the comments. “Our FL Governor is irresponsible!”
“Just wow. This city is something else,” said another comment on the thread.

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