The Florida Department of Education released its 2023 Informational Baseline School Grades report on Monday, giving Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) an overall grade of “B.” Individual grades for schools across the district range from “A” to “F,” with elementary schools displaying the majority of the low grades.
The district’s overall “B” grade is the same as last year, though down from an “A” in 2021, which was the only grade other than “B” since 2016. The trend of “B’s” appeared after fluctuations between “A’s” to “C’s” from 2010 to 2015. Testing was canceled in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Most of ACPS’s “School Improvement” (SI) and turnaround elementary schools showed higher grades this year. Alachua, Idylwild and Terwilliger Elementary Schools rose from “D’s” to “C’s,” and Lake Forest Elementary School from an “F” to a “D.”
Shell and Rawlings Elementary Schools, also SI schools, maintained their “D” grades, and Metcalfe Elementary School dropped from a “D” to an “F,” but because the state used new tests to determine this year’s grades, the score will not affect Metcalfe’s SI status.
Florida’s 2023 accountability data is based on new Florida’s Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) tests, according to an FDOE release, so the grades cannot be compared with past years to determine gains. For that reason, the 2023 grades are to serve as an “informational baseline” for future years, and schools will not receive negative consequences for low grades.
Schools can still benefit from high grades, qualifying for school recognition by maintaining an “A” or rising from a turnaround status.
Alachua, Idylwild and Terwilliger will all leave SI status because of the new grades, and Lake Forest will have another chance based on its 2024 grade. Under normal circumstances, if Lake Forest had failed to raise its grade to a “C” the district would have to submit a turnaround plan and possibly bring in outside help.
Normal learning gains and consequences linked with school grades will return in the 2023-24 school year.
“It’s important to recognize the hard work and commitment of school leaders, faculty, staff, families, district personnel, our community partners and everyone involved in our schools,” Superintendent Shane Andrew said in a press release. “This was a team effort, and we look forward to continued improvement at all our schools.”
Across the district, 11 schools raised their grade, four fell and 20 held steady.