Cars whizzing by Newberry City Hall will get a glimpse of the Newberry High School graduating class.
About 150 signs each with each senior’s photo and name were planted on the front lawn my students and Newberry Mayor Jordan Marlowe on April 16th.
Marlowe is also a history teacher at Newberry High and he is hoping that the school can have a traditional graduation.
But either way, the students are receiving some recognition, he said.
“It was a combination idea,” Marlowe said. SWI Photo of Gainesville takes the annual senior photos and gave permission for the images to be reprinted on the signs.
“Wrap Spot created the signs,” Marlowe said.
“We might move them around, take them over to the football field.
“When we have graduation we could make a line on the football field and the kids could take them home.”
Each sign reads the “Once a panther, always a panther” across the bottom. A mantra that all three schools in Newberry are proud of.