Most people like Brad Paisley’s personality and his clever song style, even if they don’t particularly like country music. As a guitar player, he would have to be ranked high on the “best-in-the-world” list of great guitarists.
But another aspect of his music is outstanding as well—his ability to comment on things going on in our culture. He did that with great effectiveness in a song that came out over ten years ago called “Welcome To The Future.”
Those lyrics point to the progression of technology, including Brad’s love of the “PAC-MAN” games. He talks about how he used to have to go the arcade to play, but now, he “has it on his phone.”
Another line from that goes something like, “Wherever we were going…well, we’re here.”
These are but a few of the themes and images contained just within this one song. It is a perfect example of why I enjoy his music.
That technology of which he spoke is going on all around us, even though we may not be as aware as we think. When I was a young boy, I used to struggle in trying to understand electricity, how it worked, and how something that traveled into a house over a single cord could power up lights, appliances and TVs.
Fast forward to today’s world, and not only do we still have electricity, but we’ve added cell phone and Bluetooth signals, wireless internet data, radio and TV broadcasts…all beaming around us every day.
Yet, our eyes can’t see any of these things, and were it not for the tech receivers that we have to pull them in, we would never know that they are there.
It is ironic how that in spite of this truth, that our eyes can’t see all that is in the air around us, we still tend to question God and His existence, using that same argument that “we don’t see Him,” as if that justifies having our minds closed to the maker of the universe.
According to the Bible, He is always here, ever present, knowing everything about us, including the number of hairs on our heads. More importantly, He is mindful about us and cares more deeply about our lives than we can think or imagine.
I still don’t understand electricity, and how in the world they get those cellphones to ring out of thin air has always amazed me—and it still does.
The disciple Thomas was a doubter and had expressed that he wouldn’t believe Jesus had resurrected from the grave until he saw Him with his own eyes.
You know the story…Jesus did appear, then gently corrected Thomas by saying that he saw and believed, but it would be better to have faith without having to physically see the evidence. John 20:27 records the words of Jesus:
“Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.’”
Those words to Thomas make for great advice for us as well. The truth is all around us, and it has been there for our entire lives. The very purpose for Jesus’ coming was to open up to our hearts and minds the gospel—the greatest story ever told, that whosoever would believe in Jesus, and call out to Him in faith would be saved.
His love and presence are all around us. He has us on a path, and wherever that path has led us…well, we’re here!
It is time to stop doubting—and believe.