I have always loved stories. Well-told stories are so much more than mere reports of incidents. They are the containers of emotions, memories, truth, and inspiration, especially the stories contained in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments.
I have fond memories of wide-eyed wonder, hearing the dramatic telling of Joshua’s battle at Jericho, Israel’s crossing the Red Sea, of David and his battle with the giant Goliath, of Jesus as He stilled the raging waters of the Sea of Galilee, and so many more.
Most importantly, these stories have taught us about Jesus, the Son of God. Through them, we learn that Jesus was not afraid to face Satan straight on, as He was tempted in the wilderness at the outset of His earthly ministry. They tell the exciting account of how Jesus didn’t show the slightest concern during that aforementioned storm at sea, even though His disciples were downright stricken with fear. And, they taught us that even a shortage of money to pay the temple tax did not worry the Lord (see Matthew 17).
It is clear that Jesus was unfazed by most things. But…there WAS something that moved Him. What moved the Lord, you ask? People. On more than one occasion, Jesus was moved with compassion for people, some of whom were friends, while many were perfect strangers.
In Matthew 9, we read that Jesus was deeply moved when he saw the crowds, who were like sheep without a shepherd.
In Mark 5, Jesus stopped in His tracks, and was touched by the faith of the woman who needed healing.
And, in John 11, He was moved to tears at the news that his dear friend had passed away. All of these facts about the Lord have come to us…in stories contained in the Bible.
Today, I am comforted in knowing that I serve the chief subject of these amazing stories of faith, the God of compassion, whose Son is the Prince of Peace and the Lord of Lords. Jesus is THE Lord, undaunted by the everyday challenges of life, but filled with compassion at the needs of His people.
What great confidence comes at the realization that the story of my life moves Him. And you can have confidence in the fact that He is mindful—yes, even moved—by what you are facing today.