Archer accepts County’s CARES Act reimbursement, plans to ask for more

archer field house
archer field house

The City of Archer Commission tabled a resolution at the Sept. 14th meeting that would have adopted the Florida governor’s Plan for Recovery because it would have prevented the City from receiving $18,000 in CARES Act reimbursements.
According to the contract produced by Alachua County, Archer will receive $3,690 for PPE and medical supplies, $855 for disinfecting public facilities, $855 for preparing public buildings for customers, $4,140 for local share of FEMA award for payroll, $2,070 for local share of FEMA non-payroll awards, $2,250 for pubic ordinance enforcement, $1,890 for equipping public employees to telework, and $2,250 for food delivery to residents.
The amounts were determined by Assistant County Manager for Budget and Fiscal Services Tommy Crosby who said the estimates were based on a population formula.
The Alachua County Commission unanimously approved its $46.9 million CARES Act plan in August.
According to Crosby, he looked at the categories that Archer participated in and would have costs in.
“Archer is a member of our fire system and protected by the sheriff,” he said about the zero in the category for quarantining public safety officials.
The County subtracted allocations from the $46.9 million that were made to the library system, health department, school board and for the Children’s Trust of Alachua County which set up learning pods for students.
Archer Commissioner Joani White questioned the amounts and said some of the funds fell short, especially in the delivery of food to residents category.
City Attorney Scott Walker said the amount was a, “Seemingly low number,” compared to what other municipalities were receiving.
It was Walker who reminded the commission that if they opted to adopt the governor’s executive order that the City of Archer would not be eligible to receive the CARES Act reimbursement.
“The tailend of agreement says you must follow their order to qualify,” he said about Alachua County’s added requirement for face mask use that Newberry has opted not to follow and as a result was denied CARES Act reimbursement funds.
According to Crosby, cities who have more expenses than the County estimated can certainly communicate those differences.
“If they have a specific need,  they can come back to the Board,” he said.

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