Cultural tourism grant opens for Alachua County

Grant application

Nonprofits promoting cultural tourism in Alachua County can apply for funding through a grant opportunity with a $1 million funding pool.  

The Alachua County Board of County Commissioners voted to open the grant on June 27 and also decided to open another $1 million grant that will expand the types of programs that can apply.  

Applications for the cultural tourism grant must be sent by 5 p.m. on Oct. 13. Judges will rate applicants based on community benefit, potential tourism impact, organizational merit and cultural merit.  

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You can find the application information here along with further details on the county website

Alachua County earned record tourism tax revenue in 2022, reaching $7.7 million.  

County staff told the commission in June that the tourism department had around $4.7 million in reserves from those tax dollars, which must be used to further promote tourism under state law. 

The county has already set aside $1 million to attract the World Masters Athletics in 2025 and decided on the two $1 million grant opportunities, leaving $1.7 million in reserves.  

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Grants for “cultural tourism” certainly sounds like a euphemism for state sponsored discrimination.