Gainesville business owners of establishments within the new, single-district Community Reinvestment Area are encouraged to apply for financial incentives to help improve business storefronts. The new Business Improvement Grant Program offers a 50 percent matching grant, paid as a reimbursement, for eligible improvements to business exteriors.Â
The GCRA has allocated $250,000 in funding toward this program for this fiscal year. The program replaces the former Façade Improvements Incentive Program for Existing Commercial Buildings, and authorizes the use of GCRA funds to encourage private investment within the district.Â
Individual award amounts are based on a tiered system that enables recipients who meet certain criteria to receive up to $100,000. Buildings within the GCRA district with a historic designation are eligible for up to $150,000. Enhanced outdoor aesthetics and improved accommodations for pedestrian comfort and safety are among the benefits anticipated through use of the grants.Â
An application packet and additional information for the Business Improvement Grant are available online at https://gainesvillecra.com/programs-and-incentives/. For more information, contact GCRA Project Manager Daniel Blumberg at BlumbergDN@cityofgainesville.org or 352-393-8208.Â