The Buchholz High School Drama Players will perform “Radio T.B.S.,” a comedy by Mark Landon Smith and the second show of their 2024-2025 season, starting Wednesday, Dec. 4.
The play will run from Dec. 4-8, with shows at 7 p.m. on Dec. 4-7 and matinee performances at 2 p.m. on Dec. 7-8 at the BHS Auditorium (5510 NW 27th Ave.) in Gainesville.
This comedic play follows radio hosts Vesta Poteet and Dixie Mandrell as they humorously cover local events, including a chaotic Miss Manatee contest, a misadventure at Graceland, and a tribute to Jesus and Elvis.
“This hilarious comedy is brought to life by an incredible cast who showcase the everyday lives of a group of people while reminding us of the importance of finding community,” said student director Anna Tomlinson in a press release. Tickets are $15 online and $17 at the door, with student tickets at $12, group tickets at $10 (online only), and free admission for Buchholz faculty and staff. Purchase tickets at