Bread of the Mighty Food Bank held its bimonthly food distribution event on Sept. 23 at Vineyard Christian Fellowship while recognizing National Hunger Action Day.
Dozens of cars lined SE 17th Drive a half an hour before the 10:30 a.m. event was scheduled to start as people waited to collect the provided food staples.
Gainesville Mayor Lauren Poe said he was grateful for the food bank’s work in the area.
“Bread of the Mighty Food Bank is one of those unsung heroes in our community,” Poe said at the event. “They are behind so many efforts to make sure people are able to meet their basic nutritional needs.”
Poe described financial difficulties that many people face in buying meals.
“Food, one of the most basic things you can’t live without, has been really affected by inflation,” Poe said. “It’s so important to have Bread of the Mighty Food Bank here providing that essential need.”
Florida Rep. Yvonne Hinson, D-Gainesville, said 2.25 million people are facing hunger in the state of Florida, placing it at No. 10 in the nation for food insecurity.
“I’ve hosted food distribution with Farm Share during my term,” Hinson said at the event. “I’ve also tried to bring grocery stores into our area over here on the east side because we’re a food desert.”
Hinson said the neighborhood grapples with joblessness and poverty, and thanked Bread of the Mighty Food Bank for helping tackle hunger and food insecurity.
“We need to applaud and recognize how great they are serving our community,” she said.
Sherah English, programs director at Bread of the Mighty Food Bank, said she appreciated all the effort from the local farms, grocery stores, food donors and volunteers during September’s Hunger Action Month.
To find out how you can help, visit their website at breadofthemighty.org.