VA to hold Suicide Prevention Awareness virtual event 

The VA Sunshine Healthcare Network (VISN 8) will host a Suicide Prevention Awareness virtual event on Tuesday, Sep. 10.
The VA Sunshine Healthcare Network (VISN 8) will host a Suicide Prevention Awareness virtual event on Tuesday, Sep. 10.

The VA Sunshine Healthcare Network (VISN 8) will host a Suicide Prevention Awareness virtual event on Tuesday, Sep. 10.  

The virtual event will run from 8 to 10 a.m. onMicrosoft Teams

The event theme is “Don’t Wait. Reach Out” and each conversation can change a life. The VA urges veterans who are struggling to reach out and fight the battle together instead of alone. The virtual event will provide training and discussions to raise awareness on suicide prevention and share available resources.  

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“It is crucial to focus on suicide prevention year-round, Suicide Prevention Month provides us with a special opportunity to unite and engage in conversations about this deeply serious and sensitive topic,” said Dr. Carri-Ann Gibson, chief mental health officer, VISN 8, in a press release. 

“Our shared objective for this event is to ensure that Veterans, their families, our healthcare providers, and community partners have access to suicide prevention resources and clinical services. This will enable us to support and be there for one another,” she said. 

Registration is not needed. To join the Sept. 10 event, click this link at the event time. The meeting ID is 222 693 654 314 and the passcode is psLA7o.  

To join by phone, dial 1-872-701-0185. The phone conference ID is 346 455 834# 

In conjunction with this virtual event, facilities across VISN 8 will host suicide prevention awareness events.  Learn more by clicking here and scroll to “Highlights.” 

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