Breaking News: Florida enters Phase 2 of reopening on June 5th

desantis phase 2
desantis phase 2

Movie theaters and bowling alleys that were restricted from opening under Phase 1 of Florida’s reopening plan can open on June 5th in 64 counties Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said today.

Also bars, and concert halls can reopen at 50% capacity inside, full capacity outside if customers are served seated.

Visitors are still prohibited from entering long term care facilities, DeSantis said as they remain a top priority to protect from COVID-19 spread under DeSantis’ “Safe, Smart, Step-by-Step,” reopening strategy.

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Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties will be required to submit plans to be included in the Phase 2 reopening.

DeSantis also denounced the “murder” of George Floyd and said he that the knee-hold technique should never be used. “You’ve got to identify those people and get them out,” he said about law enforcement that have multiple complaints against them.

This is a breaking news story, and will be updated as more details are learned.

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