GNVCares: $3.18 million local relief and recovery program set to open applications next week

The City of Gainesville has launched GNVCares, a $3.18 million program aimed at expanding local relief and recovery efforts through direct assistance to city residents and to small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 
The application process for neighbors is expected to open on May 11th and will be open for seven days. The application process for businesses is expected to open on May 14th and will be open for seven days.
In preparation, business owners and neighbors are urged to review eligibility requirements before applying and to begin assembling documentation before applying. A checklist is available at Individuals may dial 211 to check eligibility, ask questions or make an appointment for application assistance.
GNVCares will provide temporary assistance to extremely-low, very-low and low-to-moderate income households by way of utility and/or rent/mortgage payments. Eligibility will be determined based on proof of income and lost wages as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Individuals would receive up to $1,250 applied directly toward utility and housing costs.
GNVCares also will provide grants to small businesses whose operations were curtailed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. At this time, businesses with no more than 50 employees who operate within Gainesville city limits are eligible to apply for a one-time, $5,000 grant to offset costs such as rent and utilities. Businesses which have received “Payroll Protection Program” funds and/or “SBA Disaster Assistance in Response to the Coronavirus” funds are not eligible.
The GNVCares program is funded by the City’s General Fund as well as the Community Development Block Grant, State Housing Incentive Partnership and Gainesville Community Reinvestment Area funding sources.
For more information, visit, dial 211 or email

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