Education School board clashes over projected low fund balance Glory Reitz Oct 14, 2024Expenses outpace revenue in FY24-25 budget.
Education ACEA declares impasse in teacher salary negotiations Glory Reitz Sep 17, 2024School district won’t offer retroactive pay raise or go higher than 1.6 percent in salary increase.
Education School district cuts early release Wednesdays to monthly occurrences Glory Reitz Jul 18, 2024Teachers’ union asks for larger pay raise.
Education Newberry Elementary School loses 14 teachers Glory Reitz Jul 2, 2024School board member blames charter push; Newberry mayor blames district.
Education Citizens suggest names for ACPS district office Glory Reitz Jun 7, 2024Last public input meeting to be held June 27.
Education School board asks for more input for Rawlings, Metcalfe calendar Glory Reitz Apr 10, 2024Community meetings scheduled for Thursday at both schools.
Education Alachua County Education Association pushes membership Glory Reitz Apr 10, 2024Union still lacking education support professionals.
Education School board tables year-round calendar Glory Reitz Apr 3, 2024District receives unmodified fiscal audit.
Education Teachers union opposes Newberry charter conversion Glory Reitz Mar 28, 2024Teachers lose ACEA support if schools convert.
Education Newberry Education First answers questions in town hall meeting Glory Reitz Feb 24, 2024Three more meetings to come.
Education School Board approves employee salary increase, contract Glory Reitz Jan 19, 2024Across board 3.5% raise to apply retroactive as far back as July 2023.
Education Alachua County Public Schools reaches tentative teacher salary agreement Glory Reitz Dec 18, 2023Teachers, support staff to receive 3.5% across-the-board salary increase.
Education School board delays superintendent contract discussion Glory Reitz Dec 6, 2023Citizens say superintendent pay raise is unfair to teachers.
Sports Buchholz High School dedicates weight room to original coach Gunnar Paulson Glory Reitz Sep 27, 2023Paulson led Bobcats weightlifting team to four state championships and one state runner-up in 1970s.