The city of High Springs has geared up for another election following the resignation of Commissioner Steve Tapanes on Dec. 30.
Voters selected Tapanes during the November 2023 general election, defeating incumbent Gloria James. During the same election, Commission Andrew Miller also gained a seat on the commission over incumbent Ross Ambrose.
However, Tapanes said in his resignation letter that he wasn’t aware of recent changes in state law. The changes start this year and require a more detailed disclosure of financial information for city commissioners.
City commissioners and mayors across the state have resigned over the new form.
The High Springs Charter requires a special election to fill the empty seat. The Supervisor of Elections Office selected March 26—a week after the Florida presidential primaries. Â
Chad Howell and Wayne Bloodsworth applied during the qualifying period to run for Tapanes’ seat. The following questionnaire was sent to both candidates and answers are published with light edits for clarity.
Both candidates will also be at a forum on March 18 at the New Century Woman’s Club.
Wayne Bloodsworth
What previous elected or public service positions have you held?
I have never held any elected or public service positions.
Where can voters go to learn more about you?
I have a Facebook page:
Wayne Bloodsworth candidate for High Springs City Commission.
What prompted you to run for office?
I decided to run for a seat on the commission after I got my proposed tax increase and found out my taxes increased drastically. Not only did property taxes go up but so did the garbage and water. I have family and friends that are on fixed incomes, and they are being stretched financially. I want to be able to help the citizens that were affected by this unexpected burden.
Do you have concerns over the new Form 6 requirement?
No, I personally don’t. I can understand why some self-employed people would not want to disclose customer names and information. Their customer base may not want to have their names and information out as public record.
What are the two most important issues facing the city commission?
In my opinion, I think the top priorities are the budget and infrastructure. Until we can balance the budget, it is going to be difficult to maintain the infrastructure we currently have or to be able to build for future growth.
What do you hope to accomplish as part of the city commission?
I want to be able to work with the other commissioners and come up with sound financial solutions to get our city budget in order. When we get a new city manager, I want to be able to work with that person to implement new ideas and help create a good working atmosphere within the city.
As High Springs continues growing, what principles should the commission look to guide that increase?
It all comes back to basic financial responsibility. We have got to stop excessive and extravagant spending. Before we continue new growth, we have to find a balance to upgrade and repair the existing residential and business areas. I’m not against new growth, but our long-term residents deserve better than what they have been getting.
Again, when we as a city commission come together and balance the budget and get the city finances in order, we can move forward.
How should the commission analyze its budget in light of financial constraints?
First of all, the commissioners should be given a copy of each department’s budget and a list of their needs. The commissioners need to have access to the city manager and the department heads to discuss all issues so that we can make a decision that is fiscally responsible with the citizens’ money. With that information and accessibility, we can better understand the needs of each department and how those needs will impact the residents. Then we can prioritize how the money is spent, based on that information.
Chad Howell
What previous elected or public service positions have you held?
I have served on a few boards in the community. I served on the Babe Ruth Softball Board from 2018 to 2022 and the High Springs Parks and Recreation Board from 2020 to 2022. I have been a police officer for over 15 years. I started my career in Starke, FL at the Starke Police Department in 2009. Â
In 2013, I accepted an offer with the Alachua Police Department and have been here ever since then. During my time at the Alachua Police Department, I have been a patrol officer, school resource officer at Santa Fe High School, detective and I am currently a detective sergeant and supervisor of the Criminal Investigations Division.Â
Where can voters go to learn more about you?
I currently have social media pages on Instagram as well as Facebook.
We are also doing more community events to give the citizens opportunities to come out and speak with me as well. The next one will be on March 11, 2024, at the Pink Flamingo from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
What prompted you to run for office?
I decided to run for City Commission because I believe in the potential for High Springs. It is time to give the city back to the people of High Springs. It is hard to make change outside looking in, so I decided to participate.
Do you have concerns over the new Form 6 requirement?
I do not have any concerns over Form 6. My only reservation when I decided to qualify for this election was that I am a police officer, and this would be putting my information out there for everyone to see. However, my main concerns are for getting the City of High Springs on the right path for success.
What are the two most important issues facing the city commission?
Of course, for anyone that has been attending commission meetings or has followed along with current concerns for the City of High Springs, the financial crisis that we are in sticks out as a main problem. I believe that the current infrastructure or lack thereof is also a concern. There is growth coming to High Springs, and it is time to represent the current people of High Springs and consider the natural resources.
What do you hope to accomplish as part of the city commission?
I want to give a new voice, a new vision to the commission that includes all of the people in the City of High Springs. I would like to see a more direct focus on the Parks and Recreation of High Springs. The city needs to understand how important recreation is for our children as well as our tourism. We have got to get our budget in order so that we can prepare for the growth that is coming. Our infrastructure is struggling and needs to be strengthened.
As High Springs continues growing, what principles should the commission look to guide that increase?
Strong leaders and committed citizens are essential for the success of the City of High Springs. Using the largest amount of information available and presenting it during public forum is a must to help the commission work toward the positive success of this great city.
Planning where development should or should not go can help a rural community encourage growth in town, where businesses can thrive on a walkable main street and families can live close to their daily destinations. Encouraging policies that protect the rural landscape can help preserve open space, protect air and water quality, provide places for recreation, and create tourist attractions that bring investments into the local economy.
How should the commission analyze its budget in light of financial constraints?
The city has to understand money coming in and money going out. We are not in a position to be irresponsible with purchasing. Yes, the commission must approve the budget, but we have to have strong leaders in place to ensure that the budget is being adhered to.
Though each of the candidates have had meet-and-greets, this is the first opportunity for the public to hear from the candidates and we appreciate your willingness to share this information. We have two good candidates to choose from.
I believe Wayne Bloodworth to be the better candidate. He and his family have lived in High Springs for many years and his commitment is very real. If you have the opportunity to talk with him you will see a person who wants to help get High Springs back on the right track. He’s spoken to many residents, including the store owners and has heard how frustrated they are. He’s also taken the time to meet with staff at City Hall. We need to continue our quest for a fair board whose interest is in listening to the residents and doesn’t report to anyone but the citizens of High Springs. Please vote for Wayne Bloodsworth on Tuesday,March 26th.
What happened to all of the prior comments here? Did Mainstreet remove them? if so why?
Mainstreet did not remove any of the previous comments from this article.