The Alachua County Arboriculture Program will hold an Arbor Day celebration at Jonesville Park on Friday.
The event starts at 1 p.m. and the park is located at 14100 N.W. 32nd Avenue, Gainesville.
Participants will learn about Alachua County’s tree planting and preservation programs along with how to plant and care for young trees. Families can help plant a tree and pick up a free fruit tree to plant at home.
“Every time we plant a tree, we plant a promise to future generations that the landscape they inherit will harbor life,” said Alachua County Arborist Lacy Holzworth in a press release. “Arbor Day offers us a chance to come together as a community and plant trees for a healthy future.”
Florida Arbor Day is held annually on the third Friday of January.
Last year, Holzworth planted 15 trees throughout the Easton Newberry Sports Complex with students from Greenfield Preschool in Newberry.
Arbor Day originated in 1872 when Sterling Morton of Nebraska City, Nebraska, organized the planting of one million trees. Since then, Arbor Day has spread to communities across the United States and the world. The “celebration” is meant to recognize and support the planting of trees.
It sure is nice that some traditions are lasting. Some, like these, are very important.