The Jewish community will begin to celebrate Chanukah, known as the festival of lights, on the eve of Sunday.
To start the eight-day holiday celebration, the Lubavitch-Chabad Jewish Student and Community Center will offer various community-wide programs for all ages.
Throughout the holiday, “The lights of Chanukah shine bright for eight days, transmitting warmth and optimism, and spreading the message of hope to all who see her lights,” said Center director Rabbi Berl Goldman in a press release. “During these challenging times, Chanukah gives hope for a bright and healthy future ahead. It is also a most appropriate time to honor and thank those who risk their lives for all of us, helping, healing, and guaranteeing our safety.”
The holiday of Chanukah commemorates the victory of a small Jewish force against a large Greek army seeking to annihilate the Jews spiritually and physically.
The schedule of events is as follows:
Sunday, Dec. 18th
The Lubavitch-Chabad Jewish Student and Community Center will stage its 23rd annual Chanukah Factory, where children and their families will craft their own Menorah and enjoy activities and traditional Hot latkes and Sufganiot.
“The Chanukah Factory at Lowe’s on 13th Street is designed to give a ‘hands on’ experience and infuse Chanukah excitement in the children, so they are ready for the holiday with their own handmade Menorah,” said Goldman.
The event begins at 1 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 20th
The Center will host a Lox n Latkes brunch for senior citizens in the community. The Chanukah event creates a community atmosphere where seniors come together to express and practice their faith with food and music. The event begins at 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 21st
On the fourth night of Chanukah, the Downtown Chanukah Festival and Grand Menorah Lighting will occur at the Bo Diddley Downtown Community Plaza at 111 E University Ave.
The Menorah lighting will be preceded by the kindling of the flame of unity, peace, and freedom, honoring and thanking the US armed forces worldwide and our healthcare heroes.
Several dignitaries will be on hand to join in the celebration of Chanukah and deliver Holiday greetings.
The program will also feature Chanukah music, a live performance show, Chanukah kits with traditional hot latkes, tasty doughnuts, Dreidels, Menorahs, and Chanukah “Gelt.”
The event begins at 5 p.m.
For further information on the event, call Goldman at 352-336-5877 or 352-256-3323.