The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) continues to investigate Sunday’s 21-vehicle accident on I-75 near the northbound 414 mile marker in Columbia County that killed three people.
According to FHP spokesman Pat Riordan in an email, the cause of the accident has yet to be determined.
The accident occurred around 12:40 a.m. and involved more than 45 people. Two men and a woman from Chicago, Illinois died in the pileup.
“One of the vehicles involved was a Greyhound bus, and I understand it was loaded with passengers,” Riordan said in a phone interview Monday. “Since there were three people killed, we are doing a homicide investigation. I would imagine it’s going to be very lengthy due to the number of vehicles, the number of persons involved, and the enormous amount of information our investigators have to gather.”
Five rescue units transported injured people to Lake City Medical Center or UF Shands in Gainesville. According to Riordan, the exact number of people injured hasn’t been determined as some people drove themselves to a medical facility.
All northbound I-75 lanes were reopened nearly 12 hours after the accident on Sunday. After FHP investigators determine what caused the collisions’ chain reaction, more details will be released.
The vehicles involved included: A Ford F150, a white transit van, a Lexus RX 300, a Lexus RX 350, a Nissan 3500 van and trailer, a Toyota Rav4, a Toyota Corolla, a Nissan Ultima, a Lincoln Navigator, a Ford F250, a Dodge Ram pickup and trailer, a Nissan Sentra, a Ford Maverick pickup and trailer, a Nissan Ultima, a Ford Mustang, a Kia Soul, a Chevrolet Suburban, a Subaru Outback, a TEMSA Charter Bus (which had 15 passengers on board), a Toyota Camry and a Nissan Ultima.
The fog was heavy at that time in Ellisville couldn’t even see in front of you.