On February 21st, at 7:54 am, the Combined Communications Center (CCC) received a 911 call regarding a two-car MVA. The caller reported that one person was entrapped inside of their vehicle at NE 15th St. /NE 40th Pl. Gainesville Fire Rescue (GFR) units Engine 3, Ladder truck 1, District 1, responded along with Alachua County Fire Rescue Transport 35. GFR Engine 3 arrived on the scene within minutes of being dispatched and confirmed vehicle vs. pickup truck with one person entrapped inside of their vehicle.
GFR District 1 arrived on the scene and established incident command. GFR Ladder truck 1 arrived and began extricating a conscious female driver out of the vehicle. Crews were able to extricate the female patient out of the vehicle within 18 mins of the initial call. ACFR Transport Rescues 35 transported one stable female patient to Shands with none life-threatening injuries. The driver of the second vehicle was evaluated on the scene but denied injuries.
The Gainesville Police Department is investigating the cause of the accident.
Gainesville Fire Rescue would like to remind drivers to look both ways before entering busy roadways, obey all traffic laws, and always wear your seatbelts.