Government + Politics Application pulled for Archer concrete batch plant Glory Reitz Sep 10, 2024Arnold plans to resubmit new application for indoor concrete batch plant.
Education Newberry city staff reviews charter school budget Glory Reitz Mar 26, 2024Staff says city cannot use impact fees for schools.
Education School district, Education First for Newberry, continue releasing information Glory Reitz Mar 20, 2024Education First for Newberry spokespeople reiterate that they will not push students out.
Education Archer opposes Newberry charter conversion Glory Reitz Mar 13, 2024Commissioners say initiative has not answered questions.
Government + Politics Newberry, Archer enter wastewater treatment interlocal agreement Glory Reitz Jan 23, 2024Archer to pay for up to 175,000 gallons per day of capacity.
Government + Politics Alachua County OKs code services extension, 161-acre purchase Seth Johnson Jan 9, 2024Commissioners also approved two development plans.
News GNV signs new solar contract, increases size Seth Johnson Feb 16, 2023Solar array to start operation in 2025.
Government + Politics Archer receives $546,000 in grants Taryn Ashby Oct 26, 2022Funds will help develop community involvement and economic growth.
Local Events Area churches to host historic marker unveiling C.J. Gish Oct 10, 2022Florida Historical Marker dedication scheduled for Archer’s St. Peter Cemetery on Oct. 22.
Government + Politics High Springs enters dialogue for joint wastewater Seth Johnson Sep 12, 2022Newberry, Archer already agreed to move forward.