Three Gainesville schools received new pedestrian beacons on their crosswalks last week.
The Alachua County Public Works Department’s Road and Bridge Division installed the six Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) in front of Lake Forest Elementary School and Eastside High School on SE 43rd Street and at Kanapaha Middle School on SW 75th Street.
The three crosswalks include two RRFBs – one on each side of the street – along with a pair of solar-powered flashing LED lights, according to the Alachua County press release. As soon as a pedestrian pushes the button on the pole, the lights will activate and remain flashing for 20 seconds until the pedestrian can cross the street.
The RRFBs alert motorists that bicyclists or pedestrians are entering the crosswalk. Drivers must stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk when the lights are flashing, according to Florida law 316.130(7).
“We are very happy to report that due to recent inflation, only two $25,000 crossings were planned for this year,” said Alachua County Public Works Assistant Director Brian Kauffman in the press release. “However, three crossings could be installed due to the cost savings achieved by using County staff to do the construction.”