Easter Sunday morning brings so many memories to so many of us. Without a doubt, hearing the very term immediately brings to mind such events as egg hunts, Peeps, Reese’s eggs (my favorite!), and dressing up in our Sunday best to attend a church service. Some may have attended a sunrise service or two in their lifetime.
To a believer, while all of these wonderful traditions are both meaningful and fun, a much deeper and profound reason to appreciate this day exists. In fact, the main player in the very meaning of Easter, Jesus Christ, and His willingness to go through the process of the crucifixion is the very essence and root of our faith. Simply stated, that single act is the most important event in all of recorded history.
Now, I am aware that such a statement is saying a lot. But even though most of today’s mainstream media won’t cover it as having that kind of importance, that doesn’t change the facts. And, even more important than the cross itself is the fact that, three days later, Jesus rose from the dead by the power of God. And THAT event—the resurrection of Christ—is the real story of Easter. So sad that the true meaning of this most amazing holiday is relegated in society to bunnies and egg hunts.
This year is the 50th anniversary of a song written by Gloria and Bill Gaither, well-known songwriters and musicians from Indiana. They penned a song entitled “Because He Lives,” and that song has become a hymn. In fact, I am convinced that one day, it will be included in hymnals alongside the great hymns of the church.
Not only is the composition full of beauty from a musical standpoint, the lyrics are rich and meaningful. In a few short stanzas, we hear the whole picture of the gospel of Jesus and comprehend its deep meaning.
One of my favorite parts of this song is the chorus, which boldly states that “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow…because He lives, all fear is gone.” That is a comforting reality, especially in times like these. Whatever you are facing, whatever news came in this past week, there is a truth to be reached for and received: He lives.
And because He lives, there is a hope, and a peace that passes understanding.