Units from Gainesville Fire Rescue responded to a report of a residential structure fire at the 800 block of NE 23rd Street at approximately 11:20 am on Friday.
GRU was on the scene restoring power to the vacant residence when they noticed thick smoke coming from the eves of the home. GRU immediately called 911 and GFR Squad-3, Engine-3, Engine-1, Tower-1, District-1, District-2, and Rescue-35 were all dispatched to this location.
When crews arrived on scene, they went into offensive mode and stretched hand lines to combat the fire which was was primarily located in the kitchen and above attic space. Engine-1 attacked the fire from inside the structure while Tower-1 created a vent opening in the roof to expel the super-heated gasses and smoke. The fire was quickly extinguished and the home was saved from further destruction.
The house was unoccupied and no injuries were sustained by the crews on scene.
Working smoke alarms are integral to provide occupants early warning to the presence of fire and deadly smoke. Be vigilant and check your smoke detector batteries twice a year during daylight savings!!