Government + Politics Newberry government, citizen clash over charter conversion comments Glory Reitz Oct 3, 2024City sends charter school conversion opponent a cease-and-desist letter.
Education Newberry still working on charter application with no contract Glory Reitz Sep 18, 2024Charter school board has filed articles of incorporation.
Crime ACSO adds 12 counts of child porn possession to Joel Searby charges Glory Reitz Sep 9, 2024Files found on Searby’s laptop include photos and videos of young boys.
Education State Board of Education changes charter conversion rule Glory Reitz Aug 21, 2024New requirement needs 50% vote, not “majority.”
Education Newberry Elementary School loses 14 teachers Glory Reitz Jul 2, 2024School board member blames charter push; Newberry mayor blames district.
News Searby denied bail as ACSO calls for other victims Glory Reitz Jun 26, 2024Marlowe apologizes for recommending Searby.
Government + Politics Newberry approves LifeSoils lease agreement, discusses Searby Glory Reitz Jun 25, 2024Citizen commenters continue raising questions about charter school conversion.
Crime Education First for Newberry leader arrested for lewd behavior, luring a minor C.J. Gish Jun 20, 2024Joel Searby booked into Alachua County Jail.
Government + Politics Ethics committee dismisses complaint against Marlowe Glory Reitz Jun 18, 2024No word on Coleman ethics complaint.
News Newberry approves charter school board members Glory Reitz Jun 11, 2024City also moves forward with city hall renovation, new building.
Education Newberry to weigh charter governing board nominees Glory Reitz May 29, 2024Budget and ordinance to establish board on track for June 10 vote
Education School board silent on Newberry Elementary charter vote claims Glory Reitz May 22, 2024Conversion opponents ask board to take a stand.
Government + Politics Newberry staff to assist with charter conversion application Glory Reitz May 13, 2024EFN plans to open in 2025, opposition still says vote failed.
Education ACPS maintains Newberry Elementary charter vote failed Glory Reitz May 7, 2024Marlowe: Newberry Commission to take next steps Monday.
Education Newberry residents vote down charter conversion Glory Reitz Apr 17, 2024Education First for Newberry refuses to concede elementary school vote.
Education Opposing sides clash as Newberry charter voting opens Glory Reitz Apr 4, 2024Votes to be tallied at public meeting on April 17.
Education SOS Newberry files ethics complaint on Newberry mayor, commissioner Glory Reitz Apr 2, 2024Organization says Marlowe, Coleman violated Florida’s Sunshine Law.
Education Teachers union opposes Newberry charter conversion Glory Reitz Mar 28, 2024Teachers lose ACEA support if schools convert.
Education ACPS, SOS Newberry push back on charter budget Glory Reitz Mar 27, 2024Transportation, food service, capacity spark concerns.
Education Newberry city staff reviews charter school budget Glory Reitz Mar 26, 2024Staff says city cannot use impact fees for schools.
Education School district, Education First for Newberry, continue releasing information Glory Reitz Mar 20, 2024Education First for Newberry spokespeople reiterate that they will not push students out.
Education Archer opposes Newberry charter conversion Glory Reitz Mar 13, 2024Commissioners say initiative has not answered questions.
News ACPS releases details for Newberry charter school vote Glory Reitz Mar 8, 2024Voting set for April 5-12 at all three Newberry schools.
News Education First for Newberry changes governing board plan Glory Reitz Mar 7, 2024Citizens still seeking answers at third town hall meeting.